Back to the Future and your best Sexy Vampire walk

So if anyone ever told you that you couldn’t travel in time except for watching Michael J. Fox in those Back to the Future movies, then you haven’t taken Finance yet. According to my classmate Alison, practicing your excellent skills at time travel can be fun 🙂 In Finance, we’re learning how to determine the present value of a cash flow that takes place sometime in the future as well as how to determine the future value of a cash flow that is deposited in the bank today. So you really can know what things in the future look like now (at least in the perfect world of first year finance where there is no uncertainty).

At the Winter Careerfest this past weekend, we had some great opportunities to do improvisational networking with partners and groups. One of the exercises included walking around the room taking on the posture and behavior of a dictator and just a few minutes later, doing the same exercise as a sexy vampire. Haas students are amusing if not anything else as dictators and sexy vampires. What does this have to do with networking? It showed us that our attitudes towards networking impact how we network with other people and it loosened us up for the rest of the fun and games. Time for me to go practice my walk….

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